Servicios de Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de Alergia

white and brown bottle beside white tissue box
white and brown bottle beside white tissue box
  • Pruebas de Alergia: Diagnóstico especializado para identificar alergias a medicamentos, alimentos, inhalables, pólenes, hongos, caspas de animales y más.

  • Inhaloterapia: Tratamiento respiratorio con inhalación de medicamentos para mejorar la función pulmonar y aliviar los síntomas relacionados con la alergia.

  • Aplicación de Vacunas: Servicio de vacunación para prevenir enfermedades y proteger la salud respiratoria en pacientes alérgicos.

  • Diagnóstico de Alergia: Evaluación y diagnóstico de alergias a diversos agentes como alimentos, medicamentos, pólenes, hongos, caspas de animales, entre otros.

Tratamiento Especializado en Enfermedades Inmunológicas

A person wearing a medical mask receives an injection in the upper arm from a healthcare worker in a yellow uniform. The setting appears to be a medical or clinical environment with tiled walls and a cart with supplies in the background.
A person wearing a medical mask receives an injection in the upper arm from a healthcare worker in a yellow uniform. The setting appears to be a medical or clinical environment with tiled walls and a cart with supplies in the background.
A person wearing a medical mask receives an injection in the upper arm from a healthcare worker in a yellow uniform. The setting appears to be a medical or clinical environment with tiled walls and a cart with supplies in the background.
A person wearing a medical mask receives an injection in the upper arm from a healthcare worker in a yellow uniform. The setting appears to be a medical or clinical environment with tiled walls and a cart with supplies in the background.
Dermatitis Atópica
A person wearing a medical mask receives an injection in the upper arm from a healthcare worker in a yellow uniform. The setting appears to be a medical or clinical environment with tiled walls and a cart with supplies in the background.
A person wearing a medical mask receives an injection in the upper arm from a healthcare worker in a yellow uniform. The setting appears to be a medical or clinical environment with tiled walls and a cart with supplies in the background.
Conjuntivitis Alérgica


Dermatitis de Contacto
Alergia a Alimentos
Alergia a Medicamentos
Alergia a Himenópteros

Servicio de Inmunoterapia Específica con Alérgenos


Atención integral para alergias, autoinmunidad e inmunodeficiencias, con diagnósticos y terapias avanzadas.

Servicio de Inmunoterapia Específica con Alérgenos

Tratamiento que reduce la sensibilidad a alérgenos, aliviando síntomas y mejorando la calidad de vida.

brown bear plush toy on white textilebrown bear plush toy on white textile
💉 Influenza
💉 Neumococo
💉 Herpes
💉 Vacuna contra el Sarampión, Varicela y Rubéola

Vacunas en General


Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico

Enfermedad autoinmune que afecta la piel, articulaciones y órganos internos, causando fatiga y dolor

Esclerosis Sistémica

Enfermedad que endurece la piel y afecta órganos internos, dificultando la circulación sanguínea.

Síndrome de Sjögren

Trastorno que reduce la producción de saliva y lágrimas, causando sequedad en boca y ojos.

Enfermedad inflamatoria crónica que afecta las articulaciones, causando dolor y rigidez.

Artritis Reumatoide